O Holy Night!
O Holy Night was originally a French Christmas carol written in 1847. It’s rumoured that a French soldier in the trenches of the First World War began singing O Holy Night (along with several other carols) and kicked off the Christmas Eve Armistice of World War I. Historians to this day debate exactly what happened, but the story goes that French, British, and Belgian troops lay down their weapons and mingled with their German counterparts for a short time on Christmas Eve, and may have even played a friendly game of soccer!
During the Christmas season, no matter where you go, shoppers, travellers and listeners are subjected to relentless Christmas music and at the same time, reminded of the coming Messiah! Maybe the song “O Holy Night” has crossed your airwaves recently. Did you ever stop to consider the words? One line, in particular, stands out to me: “a weary world rejoices.”
Many feel weary this Christmas. 2020 has been a difficult year. It’s been a year of loss for all of us, whether that was a job, a loved one, a relationship, or our sense of peace and security. As we head into the Christmas season, it can be difficult to muster up feelings of holiday joy.
And you know what? That’s okay. We don’t have to have it all together, or even feel particularly festive, to feel that thrill of joy and hope at our Savior’s birth. In fact, these moments of pain make the miracle of Jesus’ life and death feel all the more relevant and important. For what else could make us feel such awe and wonder, even in the midst of trouble?
What a beautiful reminder of the splendour of our Savior’s birth. That after the world lay in sin and darkness, it was struck with a “thrill of hope.” This event was the fulfilment of many prophecies and reason for rejoicing. The birth of Christ brought and continues to bring about a “new and glorious” day (reference: biblestudytools.com). As you go about your Christmas celebrations this year, keep your eyes on Jesus, God’s gift of hope and salvation for our weary world.
Blessings to all for the Christmas break. Looking forward to seeing what God has in store for us in 2021!
Carol Verbeek, Principal